Senin, 28 November 2011

Use your PIN !

Use your PIN!

One of the basic security feature provided by your SIM is PIN Protection. It is simple but unluckily most of SIM users are not using it. Let me tell you something. What happen if someday you lost your SIM and it is found by somebody else and using it.

It is Okay if it is a prepaid SIM then you don't have to be worry because it has limited credit. But if it is a post paid then it will be disaster :) you have to pay for what you didn't use.

That's why it is better to activate the PIN inside your SIM. There are 2 PINs inside your SIM : PIN1 and PIN2. Most operators will have a common number for PIN1 like "1111" or "1234". Also usually many operators will not activate the PIN in new SIM untill the user activate it. After the PIN was activated then you can change it by yourself.

Here are several steps to activate PIN in your SIM. I am using Nokia 2626 menu as example.

- Activate your PIN code request

Menu - Setting - Security setting - PIN code request

Then you will asked to put your PIN.

Select "On".

And after that, when everytime you start your SIM it will ask you to put the PIN number. After you successfully activate your PIN, better to change it.

Here are the steps :

- Setting - Security setting - Access code - Change PIN code.
- Put your current PIN.
- Put your new PIN.
- Confirm your new PIN.
- Done

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